Vi introducerar vår nya radarnivåmätare, typ 8139, med 80 GHz-teknik
Typ 8139 är vår första radarnivåsensor för 80 GHz för kontinuerlig nivåmätning av vätskor.
For many years now we have been offering various measuring principles and technologies to monitor the liquid level in storage tanks and vessels. In addition to float and tuning fork switches, we also supply ultrasonic, guided radar and radar level meters.
New standards due to 80 GHz
"The new radar level sensor Type 8139 complements our sensor range and, thanks to 80 GHz technology, sets standards in the field of level measurement", emphasizes Volker Erbe, Product Manager Sensors.
How does continuous level measurement with the radar principle work?
The sensor emits a continuous radar signal at 80 GHz. This signal reflects on the surface of the filling medium. The sensor receives the signal as an echo.
Special algorithms in the sensor electronics convert the frequency change between the transmitted and received signal into the filling level.
Your advantages at a glance
✓ Measurement even under difficult process conditions
✓ Improved measuring accuracy (± 1 mm)
✓ Use in small tanks & vessels
Measurement even under difficult process conditions
Until now, difficult process environments limited the use of radar technology in level measurement. Thanks to the new high-frequency technology and the particularly large dynamic range of 120 dB, the sensor can now measure in foam- and condensate-forming liquids as well as in media with low reflective properties reliably.
In addition, interfering reflections caused by installed equipment are less common compared to 26 GHz devices. For example, the sensor does not detect cooling coils or stirrers in tanks and vessels due to the smaller radar cone.
100% higher measurement accuracy
Optimized hardware and software of the sensor ensures a particularly precise measurement. In contrast to 26 GHz radar level meters, which achieve an accuracy of ±2 mm, Type 8139 achieves ±1 mm.
Ideal for small storage tanks & vessels
The antenna system of the device is integrated into the process connection. As a result, it does not protrude that far into the vessel, which reduces blocking distance (dead zone) in the upper area.
The 80 GHz technology allows measurement in very small tanks due to an improved signal focus. Furthermore, Type 8139 is available with process connection size ¾".
Take your measurement to the next level with our new radar measurement device Type 8139.
Radarnivåmätare för vätskor för ändamål med aggressiva mediumegenskaper och även hygieniska krav
- Kontinuerlig nivåmätning upp till 30 m, 4…20 mA, 2-ledaranslutning
- Tillgängliga processanslutningar: Plasthornantenn, gänga G, NPT ¾ och 1 ½), fläns (DN50, DN100), clamp (2")
- Utmärkt radasignalfokusering och hög mätdynamik
- Ställs in med display och knappar, samt pc-verktyg med DTM